Saturday, 25 June 2011

Arctic wolves of Zoo Brno

Another photo blog today. I am planning another trip back to Europe and can't wait to visit all the zoos again. Zoo Brno in the Czech Republic is famous for their arctic wolves. There is Atilla the alpha male, Clair and Alex are the females and have both produced pups and then all the kids!
The Arctic wolf is a subspecies of the gray wolf and live in arctic areas along the northern edge of the North American continent and northward to the North Pole, as well as along the eastern and northern shores of Greenland. There habitat stays very cold at around -30 degrees C but their coats are very think and insulated form the harsh temperatures. They generally only have a lifespan in the wild of 7 years and live in small packs. The only predators they have ot worry about is polar bears, other wolves and humans.
Hope you enjoy the photos :)

Arctic Wolf

Arctic Wolf: Yummy

Arctic Wolf Portrait

Happy Arctic Wolf

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Mali the baby elephant

Our first baby elephant to be born at Melbourne Zoo. Mali was born on the 16th of January 2010 and is the first female elephant to be born in Australia. She is very popular when people come to visit. The name Mali translates to english as Jasmine. Hope you enjoy these photos of her and if you are in Melbourne, come and visit :)

Lucky Elephant
Itchy Baby Elephant
Baby Elephant: Looking Cute
Baby Elephant: Looking Cute II
Clumsy Baby Elephant
Clumsy Baby Elephant II
Baby Elephant Gymnastics

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Photos of tiger cubs at Melbourne Zoo

Today I'd like to share with you a few photos of the tigers cubs that have been bred successfully at Melbourne Zoo. The sumatran tiger couple have had two litters of cubs so far. The first time our female Binjai had three cubs but sadly one of the cubs had drowned so only two survived. The next time she had four cubs and all of them have been growing up happy and healthy. They will be sent off to other zoos when they are about two years of age to continue with the breeding program. This will ensure they will not go extinct in captivity but of course we hope they do not become extint in the wild either.
So I hope you enjoy the photos of these cuties :)

Baby Tiger: Wonder

Baby Tiger: Love Mum

Baby Tiger Portrait II

Baby Tiger: Hug Tree

Baby Tiger Portrait III

Baby Tiger: Model

Baby Tiger: Model II

Tiger: Model

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Make money with Redbubble

I decided to write a short article today about Redbubble. After all these years being on Deviantart I feel I haven't really gone anywhere. I've made lots of great friends, some I have gone overseas and met them in person, others that I want to still go over and meet. But the point is when it comes to being serious about growing as an artist and putting your work out there to sell, Redbubble is the place to do it. So for those who are interested here is the article --> Make money with Redbubble Any feedback that you have is always appreciated.

And now I leave you with another random photo, it's one I have for sale on Redbubble:

Lynx Love

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

The royal wedding

Well here in Oz we have had an extra long weekend and it's back to work tomorrow (oh joy!)
Since I've been home I have been watching TV and you can't go 5 minutes without hearing about the wedding of Prince William and Kate. I'm really happy that he has finally found someone, Kate seems nice but all the hype about it is wearing me out in a way. All these ads and all the "free memorabilia" you can get to celebrate etc. I just feel very weird about it, maybe because it's a change but it really shouldn't affect my life in any way. Is it just me or does anyone else feel this weirdness?

Anywho I shall leave you all with a photo, blast from the past I took this the last time I went to Italy in 2005, it's also when my interest in photography started. I'm being sentimental :)

Sleeping Kitty

Friday, 22 April 2011

Happy Good Friday!

Well today is good Friday and first day of a 5 day long weekend since Anzac day is next week.

I've been relaxing for most of the day watching all the donations come in on TV and it's been amazing! For those that don't know every year we have the Royal Childrens Hospital Good Friday Appeal where money is collected for reseach and for the kiddies. I find it amazing how much money us Aussies give, it's fabulous. We have given lots for the Queensland floods, they also had a cyclone and an earthquake as well this year. Here in my state of Victoria we also had floods and bushfires so a lot of donations for that as well. So even after all these natural disasters we still are opening or hearts and giving big. Right now as I type there has been over $6 million in donations so far and it keeps growing!
For anyone that is interested in donating you can visit Good Friday Appeal I believe international readers here can donate as well :)

Hope you all have a happy and safe Easter :)

Baby Duck

Friday, 15 April 2011

Facts about tigers

Sorry for my absense, have been trying to sort out my internet issues, they are still not fixed yet but I will still try to post if I can.

I just wanted to share a new page that I have made Facts about tigers. As the title suggests I've put a bit of info about each species of tiger and some photos. Let me know what you think of it. I'd like to make more pages for different animals too :)

I'm keeping this short today as don't have a lot of time. Hopefully my next update will be a little more interesting than this ;)

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

DeviantArt vs Redbubble vs Flickr

Good evening loyal readers :)
Tonight I write about a great post that had been written about 3 big sites for photographers. It's well worth reading as it brings up some really great points. Personally my favourite site now is Redbubble. It would probably surprise some people as I have been a member of Deviantart for 7 years and I actually pay them money for a premium membership. One major reason was because I was sick of seeing all their ads all over the place and for a few of their features which they have now given to everyone anyway.
So please if you can spare a few minutes visit and read jdebord's blog!

And finally if anyone is interested here is my Redbubble page TVD-Photography

Have a good night :)

Sunday, 3 April 2011

TVD's Zoo Photography tips!

After a few years of being a zoo photographer I have decided to write an article with some tips to help beginners with their zoo photography. Mind you these are all very basic tips but are useful to get a great photo. So if you are interested in reading them just visit my hub here --> TVD's zoo photography tips
Hope these tips were helpful to you guys, remember to always have fun too. If you are feeling frustrated and negative then I don't think you will get good photos so fun is the key ;)
Let me know what you think or if you have anything to add.